Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 4

Weight 213.4. I am feeling good. I am eating well, no processed foods, more veggies most of the time. Now, I need to begin exercising . My goal is to begin on Wednesday morning.

Monday, January 30, 2012

21 days

My weight is 214 today, so I only lost .5lbs. But, I feel good, and I am commited and I think the scale is not being my friend today. I think I will see a larger number next week.

Monday, January 23, 2012

14 days and I am still going strong

My weight today is 214.5. I have successfully lost 7lbs in 2 weeks. I roasted some fresh brussel sprouts and carrots with dinner last night.  I am feeling really good about things. My goal is to lose 2lbs a week. I want to start exercising this week. Just gotta plan it and when its time-gotta do it!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 7

I am feeling great! I am not hungry. I am on the beginning of a great journey. My weight today is 216.4 lbs.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Veggies~ My new friend

I grew up hating veggies, except for corn and green beans. Adulthood didnt change my view of veggies. However, since learning about how much your body needs them, I have decided to eat them, even if it is less than pleasurable.
I particularly hated peas, but I put them in my veggie soup and I didnt even notice them. I had some steamed cauliflower and felt like gagging the whole time. But, I ate them nonetheless. The following day, I took a trick from my mother and mashed them with a potato. I love mashed potatoes. While, new mashed potatoes are not as creamy as I remember, they arent bad.

Veggies are my friend. I will continue to eat at least 2 cups a day of them.

January 13 2012

Today is day five. I couldnt help myself and jumped on the scale today, hoping it was moving in the right direction. Lost 4lbs and it hasnt been a week yet. I am very excited, not only did I lose weight, but I am not hungry. I eat a small meal about every 2-3 hours. Making the veggie soup was a bit time consuming, but delicious. Evidently,you should really read the recipe before you make it. The recipe was for 24 servings, I get it, make a lot and then freeze. My pots are not that big, so I just froze half the veggies, so next pot will be a breeze.

Today is Friday. Our family calls it Pizza Day. I will be making pizza's on whole wheat pita bread with some veggies to go on the pizza. It will not be the same. But, when I see fast food, I kinda feel gross. Does that mean I will never again, eat that fattening stuff, I dont know, but for now...EWW.

Deciding to change my eating habits is becoming a good habit.

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9 2012

Today the first day of my journey. I have decided to change my diet. I have chosen to eat differently. I am no longer eating processed foods, including my beloved Diet Pepsi. Diet Pepsi has been me for about 25 years. She has helped me through tough times and good. But she is a bad habit. She is not good for my bones. My journey is one that I have chosen. I want good health. Processed foods have helped me get fat and stay fat. But this is more that just what I look like. I am more concerned about what my insides look like. I have a daughter with a chromosome disorder that needs me. I want and need to live a long life. She doesn't know it, but she is my hero. She works very hard everyday, just to do things, many peope take for granted. She never complains. She loves life, she is an amazing person.

I begin my journey today, weighing in at 221.5 lbs. My breakfast today began with some oatmeal with some stevia and one poached egg. Along with a large glass of water. The egg was really good. I am making a minestrone soup for lunch, homemade with lots of veggies. Did I mention that I hate veggies? Well, I am going to start liking them, or at least get used to them. My new mantra is Eat for Tommorow. I need to nourish my body, with nutrients. I am no longer a slave to my cravings.  I bought new fresh veggies, like fennel, tomatoes, zucchini, celery, onion,and peas. I grew up hating peas, but I am determined to eat them.  For dinner, I am having a salad with Grilled Chicken, with veggies and a little bit of Fatfree Feta Cheese.

I feel excited. I know this will be a journey with ups and downs. I am determined. Gonna make some soup now. Yeah, alot of work- first I have to clean and chop veggies. But, I am worth the effort!